Sorry, Ain’t Buying No “Life Coach”

Here is a thought provoking post on Adele and the power of “no”.  I believe it worth a read, review and reflection.  I believe and contend that it is all about knowing who and what you are and who you best serve.  It is about knowing your strengths. ...

The Walk with Tech

Here are two interesting reads on the evolution of AR and driverless cars. Before going any other, let me say that I am a believer in tech.  I am part of the original Star Trek and Apollo generations, seeing the potential for tech to be used for exploration, inward...

Praiseworthy Wealth

This past weekend, I found myself looking forward.  The ongoing of extremes of wealth and poverty cannot win; it cannot be sustained.  That was and is my thinking.  I am a fan of the ideals of the Olympics… and the coming together of the world.  Still, recently...

Come on College…

College is coming, fast. Get ready.  Here is a great list of possible ideas around making the most of your time in College, whether a 2 or 5 or 10 year experience.  For me, as a College educator and our own work with EPIC, I see the value of practicing the virtues of...