by Barry Green | Jul 31, 2019 | Blog, character, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, gratitude, Health, Heroism, love, Service, unity, Virtues
In our last post, From Jenny, with Love, we commenced a journey; a new chapter with Benny and Jarry (aka Barry and Jenny lol). Going forward, we will write on character, love, unity and excellence as it relates to living and working and serving and playing our lives...
by Barry Green | Jul 25, 2019 | character, Excellence, gratitude, Health, love, unity
In our last post, A New Chapter with Benny and Jarry, we announced just that… a new chapter with Benny and Jarry (aka Barry and Jenny lol). Going forward, we will write on character, love, unity and excellence as it relates to living and working and serving and...
by Barry Green | Jul 18, 2019 | Blog, character, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, Global, gratitude, Health, Heroism, Job Hunting, love, Service, unity, Virtues
Last week, I posted on My Summer CAMP. In it, and among other things, I suggested that, “My thought to you is four-fold. Cleansing of mind, body and spirit requires honesty, openness and courage. Doing so is an investment. Doing so requires us to be open,...
by Barry Green | Jul 9, 2019 | Blog, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, gratitude, Health, Job Hunting, Service, Virtues
Last week, I published Summer Cookin’ with the AL’s. I am holding true to it. I have met with Felicia Newell and Jon Butler on plans for my health this Summer and into the Fall of 2019. And, I am excited about same. In a nutshell, and drawing on my...
by Barry Green | Jul 3, 2019 | Blog, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, Global, Health, Job Hunting, The broadCAST™, Virtues
You can call me AL for this blog, lol. But this post is about some new Summer cookin’ for yours truly. You see, last Wednesday, I posted this on Check In and Conclude. And now, with Summer in fuller swing, I posted this latest issue of The broadCAST™ for July...