April Digital Coffees

April Digital Coffees

As I teach Strategic Management, I offer up to my business management students that strategies are ultimately … aligned goal-oriented plans and actions. Strategy is about Purpose. Digital Coffees has Purpose. Let me share. Digital Coffees are regular online...
Our Core Four

Our Core Four

I woke this morning to the notion of Simplicity and life being less about getting through, and more about getting true. It is that Simple Man thing for me. Courageous Integrity, in action. This day, I would like to share some simple thoughts on same. The...
The Little Big Bucket

The Little Big Bucket

The other day in Practice Dominion, I shared “Dominion is taking full on ownership of our lives.” This morning, I shared on 90 Days Ahead: United. There, I shared, among other things… “Given my recent reflection on my 9-year vision, I...
The SLOWER War is Coming

The SLOWER War is Coming

In What’s Mission in Your Life?, I offered up thoughts, links and resources to help clarify on purpose… plus links to thoughts on Why, Will and Way… and some 16 character focused and driven posts for leadership and more.  That said, a simple...
Family Character™ Events

Family Character™ Events

Family Character™ Events Family Character™ is a focused program for parents and families seeking additional strategies for raising children and youth in a demanding world. Inspired by the work of The Virtues Project™, this program approaches real life with real world...