by Barry Green | Jan 24, 2018 | Blog, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, gratitude, Health, Heroism, Virtues
I do not often remember my dreams. Yet, last week, I had two powerful and great dreams that reminded me both of what I love and that for which I dream of in the future. They were solid reminders of who I am. Even still and more so, I very rarely remember...
by Barry Green | Jan 17, 2018 | Blog, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, Global, gratitude, Health, Heroism, Job Hunting, Service, The broadCAST™
Some two weeks back, I offered This is Day One: The Journal Begins. In it, I said, among other things… “On December 31, I posted this wish of Happy 2018! Within it, I offered thoughts on 5 strategies for the incoming year. I believe it worth a read and...
by Barry Green | Jan 3, 2018 | Blog, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, Health, The broadCAST™, Virtues
On December 31, I posted this wish of Happy 2018! Within it, I offered thoughts on 5 strategies for the incoming year. I believe it worth a read and viewing… and reflection. If making this an authentic and great year is important, I doubly suggest so. The...