by Barry Green | Feb 29, 2016 | Blog
Back on February 10, I shared this post on LinkedIn. Prior to that… some time back, I wrote this post. I offer these as a launch into something of a quasi mini rant, if you will. Entitlement is not a disease of the Millennials. Each and every generation has...
by Barry Green | Feb 23, 2016 | Blog
Some weeks back, I offered this post. Then, on February 16, I offered this on resilience. Then, there was this piece of news. Things are about to get interesting. The road ahead demands much of us. Indeed. I say this, not with a sense of doom and gloom but with a...
by Barry Green | Feb 22, 2016 | Blog
Effective this week, we will be publishing a weekly blog post with a core and specific focus around the Mount Pearl and Paradise business community. As a member of the Mount Pearl – Paradise Chamber of Commerce… and personally as residents of both...
by Barry Green | Feb 21, 2016 | Blog
Continuing with the year long (and life time) examination of virtues as strengths in the real world, I thought to look at resiliency. In times of trial and triumph alike, it is a strength. Indeed it seems that we need it now, more than ever; locally and globally....
by Barry Green | Feb 18, 2016 | Blog
I invite you to have a listen. Or wait. These past 6 months have been quite a personal journey. August 20, 2015… I was introduced to the world of strokes, first hand. It seems to have been a brain bleed of sorts, cause as yet unknown; with further tests in...