Come with Me NOW?

This morning, following a productive brainstorming meeting around the advancement of entrepreneurship in Newfoundland and Labrador, and a very cool and fun photo shoot hot on its heels… I found myself returning to office, my home base, my Pseudio. Along the way,...

The Noble Leader in You

Nobility. Personally, I consider it the most foundational of virtues. It is the basis of the belief that we are of real value, and that others are as well. It is of dignity of character and execution alike; and it is of authenticity. It is manifested in how we...

Keeping Real, the Dream

I am an idealist and glad for it. Do not confuse cynicism for critical thinking. Discernment is a virtue of considered thought; powerful indeed. It crafts possibilities out of looking at situations for what they are and need to be. Cynicism assumes a state of being in...

Uncommon and Common Unity

Unity in diversity. No doubt, there are many who might see it as a paradox. I am not one. Indeed, I see it as genuine, real and powerful; and our best hope. We are different… in mind and body… in size and speed and color and belief and thought. We are...

Make or Break

When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love. — Abdu’l-Bahá In these times of seemingly increasing strife and conflict, and both apathy and contention… these...