by Barry Green | Jun 30, 2016 | Blog
Seth Godin has something to say about bigger and better; a quick and thought provoking read. Indeed, the theme of his message speaks loudly to what is already becoming more clear to me with a new 60 Day Challenge I commenced as of yesterday… with 5 videos...
by Barry Green | Jun 28, 2016 | Blog
On Monday, we posted this on Assertiveness on LINKEDIN. Before that, we shared this post on action over mindset. With both, the message centered on Assertiveness, the Virtue. The Virtue, for Me… and Us As a virtue, Assertiveness is pre-existent, regardless of...
by Barry Green | Jun 26, 2016 | Blog
First off, I invite you to experience this video. And this. Oh, and this too. Besides a seemingly common theme of black and white imagery and music, they each evoke for me thoughts around Assertiveness and its power to enable our voices. That is the power of...
by Barry Green | Jun 24, 2016 | Blog
This month, with our third Leader ToC™ Blog Post, we interview Hugh Culver. Leader ToC™ (Thoughts on Character) is our monthly series engaging leaders around the world on character, leadership and more. Hugh Culver is based out of British Columbia, Canada. From...
by Barry Green | Jun 22, 2016 | Blog
I am dedicating this post to Linda Kavelin-Popov and her work in creating and building The Virtues Project™ and her new book, A Scent of Sage. I see the dance in all of her work. Consider This Before getting underway, I invite you to consider the following. Recently,...