by Barry Green | Feb 9, 2015 | Blog
The thought that we should be unaffected by our circumstances to find peace is dangerous. Detachment does not imply a disconnection from our emotions. It does imply we can manage and use our emotions to make change. Injustice should cause anger. What we do with anger...
by Barry Green | Feb 7, 2015 | Blog
I am a late BOOMER, born in 1960. My parents were and are ELDERS, with my mother now being 91. I teach business to Gen X and Gen Y students and work alongside BOOMERS and Gen X as colleagues. I was trained and educated by ELDERS. I have watched and observed the...
by Barry Green | Feb 2, 2015 | Blog
So it is Ground Hog Day. Considering the movie of same name, I thought I might launch into February with an idea around treadmills and treading water and getting things done; moving beyond the seeming repetition surrounding getting at things. I am a multitasking...