by Michael Holding | Oct 6, 2020 | Live Events
broadCAST Live™ Monthly, Barry Lewis Green teams up with Jon Butler to run cool PODcasts and Shows called broadCAST Live™. Associated with TUGtv™… The broadCAST Live was our inaugural show…. launching a select, dynamic and diverse collection of independent...
by Michael Holding | Oct 6, 2020 | Live Events
DELIVER™ Started in June 2018, Epic Engage™ offers DELIVER™, serving educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders with thoughts and ideas for delivering on message. In partnership with Futurpreneur Canada, NLOWE, Canada Business, City of St. John’s, Memorial Centre...
by Michael Holding | Oct 6, 2020 | Live Events, Service
Family Character™ Events Family Character™ is a focused program for parents and families seeking additional strategies for raising children and youth in a demanding world. Inspired by the work of The Virtues Project™, this program approaches real life with real world...
by Michael Holding | Aug 31, 2020 | Coaching and Speaking Packages, Live Events
The CLASSroom™ Barry speaks to the heroic in us all. He speaks to together, strong… and he connects. Oh, does he ever connect! Arranged where schedule permitting, this is a pure labour of love for Barry. Interested? For more information, connect HERE. Through it...
by Brian Deckard | Oct 7, 2014 | Live Events, Projects
TUGtv™ is “The Unity Guy” TV… on Vimeo. It is about conversation as action, in support of a better world and future. We talk self care and the care of others. We talk Humanity. We talk on ideas and projects working towards a better world. I...