by Barry Green | Feb 25, 2022 | Blog, character, unity
The world needs us. Locally, globally and glocally. As I enter into Ayyam-i-Ha and then The Fast, something is heating up in my Soul. For me, and millions of others around the world, this is a time of hospitality then leading into fasting. And, over three decades, I...
by Barry Green | Feb 21, 2022 | Blog, Immigration, unity
Stephen Burry and I have plans to explore the world of immigration and business. As an immigration consultant and entrepreneur, Stephen believes in the vital importance and strength of immigration. We spoke to it in our last conversation. And back in December, Stephen...
by Barry Green | Nov 24, 2021 | Blog, character, unity
In When the Swords Flash, I shared “These 90 days will be a running spirit… joyous and flat freakin’ out. It is not about arbitrary hustle and cliché and image, spinning wheels or going through motions. It is not about posing or posturing. It is not...
by Barry Green | Oct 28, 2021 | Blog, character, unity
In Be Wilder, I noted “It is not lost on me that bewilder is to be wilder in our exploration…”. Of late, I am taking an ever deeper dive into meditation, wildly exploring. It is conjuring up soulful notions of boundaries and identity and more. And...
by Barry Green | Sep 24, 2021 | Blog, character, unity
In Yet Another U2, I noted “Understanding and Unity dance together, taking turns leading and following. As I took, and am taking, my inventory, I am reminded of the countless times that I have witnessed, experienced and even lead in this dance. And, I am...
by Barry Green | Sep 20, 2021 | Blog, character, unity
In Building Confidence, I concluded with “My thought to you, and me, this week is to take some sacred time and do a detailed inventory of the challenges you have faced and the successes you have seen. Take stock of your trails, trials and triumphs. Be...