Ready to Ride

Ready to Ride

I am getting my space ready…. professionally and personally. In Let It Find You, I shared, “That which brings us soulful joy and purpose is tapping us on the shoulder and the heart. When it happens, note it. When it happens, document it… somehow. Ask,...
Let It Find You

Let It Find You

In MESH Better, I shared “Now it is time for execution. With that in mind, years ago, I crafted an acronym called MESH. When things MESH, our mission meets execution producing genuine success and happiness… not born of...
MESH Better

MESH Better

In Ready to Launch? I noted “On this Hallowe’en, I have made a decision to retreat in order to advance. It has been born of my recent and ongoing foray into more deliberate meditation (the resulting clarity is palpable and viscous) and my recent reading of both...