Working with EMERGENTS
Epic Engage™ believes in what we call the Emergents™, emerging leaders in community … and supports students, youth, social enterprise and community development; working with schools, community centers, and varied community agencies alike. Emergents are the young and old and in between, who are rising up to help lead change in the private, public and community sectors locally and around the world. Our intent is to be a source of social good as we believe and contend that our true merit lies in service and virtue. We do it through these 5 major initiatives.
Barry was the highlight of our event, he was inspiring to a wide range of people from youth to seniors. He understands how people learn and presents it in a fun environment. Barry was able to relate his message to our organization in a way that he captures you from beginning to end.
Our Community Rates
Epic Engage Strong™ offers very special rates and services to support community and youth development… and emerging leaders. Consider our bodies of work: for ENTREPRENEURSHIP, for EDUCATION, and for COACHING.
We love our work. And, in so doing, we serve the following organizations and agencies with pro bono service, special rates, commitments and packages. If you are not on the list, you could be. Let us chat. We wish to serve, and we can. Ask us about our Community Training and Service packages. In 2020 and beyond, we choose to support the following incredible service initiatives:
MC Work and Pro Bono Sessions and Training
Volunteer MENTORSHIP and Support
Local and National Business Community