CommunitY and business


Communitrepreneurs … you are running both social and private enterprises with the intent of serving and building genuine prosperity and better communities by their work and service.  Entrepreneurship demands more of us these days.  The challenge to move our businesses, organizations and communities forward and together demands strength of character and culture alike.  It demands knowledge, skills and abilities.  It demands temperament and character to ride and even create the waves.  Barry is a business educator and community builder for four decades.  Epic Engage™ is a leadership development company that helps world-embracing companies and social enterprises …


  • educate and lead with character, strength and joyful excellence
  • unite strong, diverse cultures of purpose, talent and capacity
  • inspire learning cultures of flourishing creativity and growth.

Yes, we call you Communitrepreneurs™.  Engagement of business in community is crucial; engagement of the diversity of colleagues, customers, clients and community volunteers.

Our focus is on building strong, united and resourceful businesses, and workplaces that flourish and prosper… and contribute.  Together, strong.  In our work, we help entrepreneurs advance strong cultures of what we call joyful excellence… that serve.  In doing so, we deliver keynotes, seminars, workshops and programs… and we design customized coaching sessions and programs around character leadership that unites, moves and inspires.

Barry knows a variety of creative teaching methods to ensure you learn what you need to. His calming and joyful personality makes you feel completely comfortable and brings out the best in anyone. He is always encouraging and very positive. If you want to be motivated and discover something about yourself in a fun atmosphere, call Barry. 

Frances Puglisevich

Puglisevich Inc.

Signature Keynotes 

L7™: Leadership FUNdamentals

The keynote/conversation where we explore Character, Purpose and Unity advancing on Joyful Excellence as a state of being and doing.  Here, we examine 7 actions and habits for building the foundation for healthy and robust Tenacity as leaders in a world of change and challenge.  And, we have fun doing it.

The Leadership CLENS™

Aka The Educator in You, this key conversation explores 6 strategies for building strong, united and purposeful cultures at school, work, business and community.  The CLENS digs into the notion that great leadership is great education and great education is great leadership.  The CLENS helps build cultures that lead, inspire, educate and unite. 

Seminars and Workshops and the BIGGER Team

The EPIC Leader™

In 2-3 hours, we advance noble leadership; the kind of leadership that is on a cool mission and builds cultures that are Excellence-driven.  Humble swagger is the focus, exploring the kind of assured step that invokes clarity and confidence, moving forward.  

the capaCITIES™ Course of Action

Capacity is about finding your distinct and strategic advantage; based on your character, abilities, skills and knowledge. and the needs of your clients, customers, audience and all stakeholders.  In 1-2 days, we dig deep and daring to build character and capacity.


Creativity is the power of imagination.  It unleashes our originality.  It makes us resourceful and better able to serve.  Fully customizable, Flourish dives in to building cultures where Creativity serves and leads. We explore uncommon Creativity for the common good.


commUNITY shares experiences, thoughts and even insights on Character, Temperament and the Generations at school, work, business and community… with a focus on the bridges needed... and how awareness can build the  understanding that different and same are Strength.