I have renamed my blog, “Barry’s Bewildered Blog” in part inspired by the Wisdom of Rumi, “Sell cleverness. Buy bewilderment.”
In part inspired by “be wilder”.
Y’see, I am no master. I do not believe in mastery. I believe in studentry as a life long journey. It is akin to the notion of perfect as a noun and verb. The former is a destination, unreachable. The latter is our best reality in striving for it. So, welcome to Barry’s Bewildered Blog.

🙂 In Your Invention? I wrote… “My invention is about to be unveiled July 1, Canada Day. The boy inside the man cannot wait.”

That is the first leg… the website now better reflects me and my work, our work, … R4/D2 in practice. One foot in.
That said, and as more than an aside, it is the Eve of Canada Day (aka Dominion Day). Well wishes to all! And to friends south of the border for July 4!!
May we all continue to build nations of justice and love for all.
My Dominion Day

But the personal “biggie” right now for me is August 1. For the Nation of Barry, it is BIG. As a Baha’i, I live by 2 calendars. The Baha’i Calendar (this is the year 177 BE) has 19 months of 19 days, plus a 5 day period of giving and hospitality in February. The point is that August 1 is the coincidence of both calendars. It is the 1st day of the eighth month in both. I have also always liked the number 8. Don’t ask we why. I just do. So, August 1 and Kamál 1 coincide as the 1st day of the eight month.
Oh, and August means “marked by majestic dignity“.
Kamál means Perfection.
Diggin’ it. 🙂
And, July is the one month of the year that I have no teaching. It’s calendar is a free agent for me. While I have some 7 cool youth, entrepreneurship, community and character development events this July, I am intent on making this time a deeper beautiful dive.

I intend to practice Consideration.
I intend to process my own sense of grief in these times.
I intend to refresh and gladden.
I intend to revisit my own sense of leadership. I was sent this post on leadership qualities by Allan Borch and I will reflect on same. I will read and study stuff I love. I will pray. I will play. I might even share, lol.
It is time.
Realizing your life, schedule and priorities are different, how will you find some time to consider and reflect? We are half way through a wild 2020, and we have a new world unfolding. How can you take some time this month to ponder your path forward?
Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green
aka The Unity Guy
and our MULTIVERSE of online forums and offerings

Barry Lewis Green moves the needle on character leadership and unity building with joyful ferocity and thoughtful zeal. Barry helps leaders forge strong, united cultures at school, work, business and community. Joe Calloway says, “I had the distinct pleasure of being in an audience in Montreal with Barry Lewis Green on the stage. Quite simply, Barry absolutely captivated us with his talent, his message, and his heart. The feeling of unity that Barry created in the room that day was extraordinary.” With 39 years in education and leadership training and development … and work in the private, public and community sectors across Canada… and as a speaker, educator, master facilitator, coach, writer, singer, dancer, and cartoonist, Barry stokes the fire on together strong.