Recently, I have shared on Digital Coffees with Raven Warren on mental health and self care… with Dawn Gough on environmental sustainability and Responsibility… and with Guy Matthews on life and living it. I have also shared on TUGtv and the array of video conversations around community development, Justice, ideas, youth, humanity and more. In that post, I noted I would be sharing my Digital Coffees with Elaine Dunphy on NIA and Ageless Grace, and body movement/health. Here they are!!!
and, most recently, Episode 6.

Personally, I am ever grateful for the opportunity to learn in each and every Digital Coffee and episode produced through TUGtv. With these with Elaine, we have a blast exploring body movement and health, and will continue to do so. It is abundantly clear to me that Elaine’s focus pocus and life long learning alike are well chosen. Engage and enjoy!
Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln