
Live Present, Look Forward

Live Present, Look Forward

Going forward and starting next Week, I will be using this blog as a pseudo journal-like exercise applying my own work and Service to my path forward. It is hoped to be of value to anyone charting next course, if you will.

Sharpen the Blades

Sharpen the Blades

I am moving towards what I call “re-tire meant”, from full time college teaching … on June 30. A new Chapter is about to consciously and unconsciously unfold. I will be offering more here forward.

The Fruits of Focus

The Fruits of Focus

While I await the results of tests and investigate health mysteries at this time, I am focused on working towards optimal health, forging and fortifying my own sacred spaces of time and place. Some thoughts on focus.

A Stoic Summer

A Stoic Summer

The Watchers have been at work it seems. These past few days have been “interesting”. These past few days have been Soul shaking. And, now I am taking on a Stoic Summer. Hope you join me, on the journey.

The Watcher Strength

The Watcher Strength

I have been posting on KNOWledge and Strength this past Week or so, and intend to do so over the rest of June. I intend to dive deeper into it myself. Matters of Health and Service are driving me there.

The Red Wolf

The Red Wolf

“There is no force on earth that can equal in its conquering power the force of Justice and Wisdom.” The month of The Red Wolf, this is. Wisdom is uniquely powerful. Let the Hunt for Wisdom begin again. Join me.

Stand and Walk Tall

Stand and Walk Tall

These times forward demand of me and you… an anchor, ballast, rudder and sail to navigate and move forward. My life, personally and professionally … in matters of health and work and Service… it needs it. Stand and Walk Tall.

Can. Will. Did.

Can. Will. Did.

Of late, I have shared on Courage and Justice and Temperance… 3 of the 4 Cardinal Virtues of Stoicism. When you “wish” you had more of something, you seem to get opportunities to practice such.

This is The May

This is The May

I am exploring Self Mastery and Stoicism right now, as part of my diving into the Virtue I call COOLness. I am growing more aware of the need of this strength in this world and forward. Some thoughts I offer here.

Candid, Cool Change

Candid, Cool Change

Our lives are both short and important… and to live them most joyfully and purposefully, Candor around what matters to us most MATTERS most. It advances our capacity to follow our own Cool Change.

4 Points of Crossroads

4 Points of Crossroads

Yesterday, I posted on Character and Consultation. At any crossroads, we can go back… or we can identify our Keepers, Leapers and Deepers. Some thoughts inspired by Linda Kavelin-Popov.

Letting Go and GOING

Letting Go and GOING

What matters most to you still? What no longer does? And what calls to you? Detachment and Initiative can help us soar. My thoughts, at this time, around taking inventory of our keepers, leapers and deepers.