Unite and engage.

Move forward together, stronger.

There was a time when to unite and engage was a “good thing” for leaders to do.  It was a “nice thought”.   

That time is done.  

Unprecedented challenges in the world require a cool Strength of Character, Purpose and Unity.  

I choose to work with Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders forging a better world and future.

I educate, speak, train, facilitate, coach, mentor, converse, study, practice, write, blog, vlog, cartoon, sing, dance, box and create to move the kind of confident Character, Purpose and Unity needed to engage an uncertain world … and build a better one.

I am The Unity Guy with Epic Engage


Yes, forward together, stronger; all hands on deck, valued and valuable… united and engagedThe challenges of the world require Character, Purpose and Unity… at home, school, work, business, play and community; a strong rudder, anchor and north star to navigate and create constructive change and true prosperity. 

As leaders looking to successfully respond to change… and make constructive change happen, on the ground, real-world, real-time…  

  • How do you unite and engage when you have to in facing and forging change?
  • How do you bring people together when you have to bring people together?
  • How do you unite and engage in this world of uncertainty, change, and challenge?

At Epic Engage™, I serve…

… in the classroom, understanding the impact and opportunity they have to affect the world in all arenas of human endeavor… through their teaching and their capacity to lead, inspire, educate and unite; to be that teacher who makes such a difference.

… running both social and private enterprises with the intent of serving and building genuine and sustainable prosperity … and better communities … by their work and service; and supporting the global goals… locally, globally or glocally.

… young and young in spirit… and all ages and generations … who are rising up to help lead constructive change in the private, public and community sectors locally and around the globe… for an ever better and emerging world… for us all.

I work one to one, and in small and larger groups to help you…

 … educate and lead with Character, Strength and joyful Excellence
… unite strong, diverse cultures of Purpose, talent and capacity
… inspire learning cultures of flourishing Creativity and growth.

This is my work and Service.

Unite and Engage.  There is an urgency.

Let’s go do this.

Stand and Walk Tall

Stand and Walk Tall

These times forward demand of me and you… an anchor, ballast, rudder and sail to navigate and move forward. My life, personally and professionally … in matters of health and work and Service… it needs it. Stand and Walk Tall.

Can. Will. Did.

Can. Will. Did.

Of late, I have shared on Courage and Justice and Temperance… 3 of the 4 Cardinal Virtues of Stoicism. When you “wish” you had more of something, you seem to get opportunities to practice such.

This is The May

This is The May

I am exploring Self Mastery and Stoicism right now, as part of my diving into the Virtue I call COOLness. I am growing more aware of the need of this strength in this world and forward. Some thoughts I offer here.

Contact Epic Engage