“I had the distinct pleasure of being in an audience in Montreal with Barry Lewis Green on the stage. Quite simply, Barry absolutely captivated us with his talent, his message, and his heart. The feeling of Unity that Barry created in the room that day was extraordinary. I absolutely recommend him for your meeting or event.” — Joe Calloway
The Wholly Three
I am The Unity Guy™ ... We are Epic Engage™.
I and We MOVE the NEEDLE on…
… leading with powerfully clear Character and Purpose
… uniting and engaging strong, diverse cultures of Capacity, and
… inspiring learning cultures of flourishing Creativity and growth.
Go Deeper
We go deeper …
… on exploring and advancing Character and Leadership…
… and its impact on sharpened Purpose and high functioning Unity.
We choose to work with Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders forging cultures that “bring it”… forward together, ever stronger… at school, work, business, play and community. And, for an ever better world and future.
With a longstanding depth and breadth of experience, education and Enthusiasm, yes… I know we can help with that.
And throughout this website, you will find short and long form video content that will sample faces, facets and forms of same.
I and We… keep it real, fun, accessible and content driven.
Deeper Leadership.
Higher Results.
… move forward together, stronger.
Let’s do this.
If great Leadership is the guiding and influencing of others toward a common vision or goal, and Culture is the shared values, beliefs and assumptions in getting there… then it is time to move the needle on common endeavour, shared service, collective learning, and advancing together, ever stronger… at school, work, business, play and community.
United. Engaged. Inspired.
Unprecedented changes and challenges in the world require an assured and formidably cool and confident Strength of Character… forging a more powerful sense of Purpose and Unity… moving ever forward. This is not “kumbaya”. It is high functioning Unity, driven by Character and Purpose. And, it gets things done! United. Engaged. Inspired. Deeper Leadership. Higher Results. In helping move that needle… forward, together, stronger… I and We serve:
… educators in the classroom, understanding the impact and opportunity they have to affect the world in all arenas of human endeavour… through their teaching and their capacity to lead, inspire, educate and unite; to be that teacher who makes such a difference.
… community driven entrepreneurs running both social and private enterprises with the intent of serving and building genuine and sustainable prosperity … and better communities … by their work and service; and supporting the global goals… locally, globally or glocally.
I educate, speak, train, facilitate, coach, mentor, converse, study, practice, write, blog, vlog, cartoon, sing, dance, box and create to move the kind of confident Character, Purpose and Unity needed to engage an uncertain world … and build a better one. We work one to one, and in small and larger groups to help you...
Go deeper on Leadership and higher on Results.
There is an urgency. Let’s go do this.
And have fun doing it!
It Is Us, Indeed
Watch This is Us, again if you have already. Consider the words of Marcus Aurelius when he said… “Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” I share some thoughts on meeting Life with noble living.
Call It a Mission
As August unfolds, and diving ever more into my own Conscious Change, I find myself pondering on Certainty Amidst Change. What would Boldly Caring look like for me? Here I offer some thoughts for us all.
Live Present, Look Forward
Going forward and starting next Week, I will be using this blog as a pseudo journal-like exercise applying my own work and Service to my path forward. It is hoped to be of value to anyone charting next course, if you will.
Contact Epic Engage