Ready to Ride

Ready to Ride

I am getting my space ready…. professionally and personally. In Let It Find You, I shared, “That which brings us soulful joy and purpose is tapping us on the shoulder and the heart. When it happens, note it. When it happens, document it… somehow. Ask,...
Getting Real Engaged

Getting Real Engaged

Engagement is the state of being engaged. To engage is to hold attention and induce participation. Too often, we think of engaging as garnering attention without real participation. Participation is the act of participating… and participating is the taking part...
Getting Real Engaged

Building Cultures of Confidence

Confidence is more than we often think… and we toss around the notion when we say things like “I wish I had more Confidence.” or “They show such Confidence.” But, what is Confidence? Strength in facing and walking through life; self...
To What and Whom Do You Commit?

To What and Whom Do You Commit?

Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do when you felt committed, long after you no longer feel committed. It is the follow through. With this in mind and heart, it is incumbent upon us all to be discerning and decisive around that which we will truly...

Climbing the Wall

Last week, I offered up on a new saga beginning. I wrote to the ideas of “silos to synergy” and “everything requires everything”. This week, I find myself this morning on Day 4 of The Baha’i Fast. It is at this juncture that I often find...