The Other Side

The Other Side

In Finally Learning from Stroke, I offered up “Oh yes, we can be free to ignore the Stroke; but at our own peril. For me personally and today, I am realizing the lessons I need to fully accept around my own Stroke and Diabetes, and I will live those lessons for...
Finally Learning from Stroke

Finally Learning from Stroke

In Zealing the Deal, I shared something on epitaph and Zeal. This morning, I awoke with a memory of writing on A Global Stroke. I choose to revisit on that here and now. In that post back so many months ago, I shared “I am no medical professional nor scientist,...
Zealing the Deal

Zealing the Deal

In What Moves You? I noted that “I know what moves me… for LIFE, because I have felt the movement; at my core… and unmistakably so throughout my life.”  Character, Purpose and Unity… have long and deeply mattered to me. Accountability too. But it is...
Let It Go

Let It Go

First, if you have not seen it, watch this. Second, I am thinking on letting it go today. Third, that thinking is born of thoughts in and around these recent posts on pursuing excellence, and introducing AuKwords and my favourite book revisited. Fourth, let me explore...
Pursuing Excellence

Pursuing Excellence

LP Jacks said, “The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply...