by Barry Green | Jul 9, 2021 | Blog, character, Virtues
Of late, I have suggested on LinkedIn that “#Consideration is a virtue, a strength of character. Consider that. Read and reflect on the Card below. Consideration can be practiced with regards to our own thoughts, words and actions. It can be practiced with...
by Barry Green | Jun 23, 2021 | Blog, character
Earlier today, I posted on The High Road referencing thoughts around just cause and knowing your why, as Simon Sinek refers to say. I humbly suggest you check it out. That said, later in the day, I also found myself sharing on the importance of why, will and way. Our...
by Barry Green | Jul 14, 2020 | Blog
2020 has been interesting thus far, but the Year itself brought nothing; we did. 2020 is an arbitrary construct, a measurement of time. Is it 2020… or 5780 in the Jewish calendar, 2563 in the Buddhist, 2076 in the Hindu, 1441 in the Islamic or 177 in the...