When the Swords Flash…

When the Swords Flash…

In The Little Big Bucket, I shared on 5 areas (or buckets) for me… and maybe for you. I said, “The above 5 would see such sense of both joy and accomplishment for me. They would be full little big buckets. They would be and are where I will place my...
22022022 and the Gameboard

22022022 and the Gameboard

Of late, I have been writing and posting on purpose and more in blogs on focus and life long learning and studentry and LIFE/work exploration. I have also been sharing on dialogues being had with Elaine Dunphy on health and movement… with Guy Matthews on life...
What’s Mission in Your Life?

What’s Mission in Your Life?

Over the past few weeks, I have blogged on our Why, Will and Way… and some 16 character focused and driven posts for leadership and more. That said, character leadership and education is my and our focal point. After 40+ years in leadership training and...