Why, Will and Way

Why, Will and Way

Earlier today, I posted on The High Road referencing thoughts around just cause and knowing your why, as Simon Sinek refers to say. I humbly suggest you check it out. That said, later in the day, I also found myself sharing on the importance of why, will and way. Our...
Building Cultures of Confidence

Building Cultures of Confidence

Confidence is more than we often think… and we toss around the notion when we say things like “I wish I had more Confidence.” or “They show such Confidence.” But, what is Confidence? Strength in facing and walking through life; self...
Certitude and Service: Do Your Homework

Certitude and Service: Do Your Homework

Over the last week or so, I have posted on Leadership and Management … Consultation … and Resourcefulness. And this morning I shared some thoughts on Certitude. Certitude is a virtue; a strength of character. With it, we discern and decide on that for...