Humility is Strength, Part 1

Humility is weak and misguided.  It is foolish and soft.  It is naive and meek.  Ultimately, and truthfully, it is misunderstood. HUMILITY With Humility, the virtue… we value others’ thoughts and feelings.  We are willing to give and receive help.  We...

I Dare… Concluding on Confidence

Back in 2013, I had the honor and pleasure of attending a 3 hour session with Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I was in the 3rd row, on an angle.  His style was refreshingly unscripted and real.  My gregarious thunder and lightning spirit settled in and I listened… for 3...

The Confidence Factor, Part 4

Words that inspire me… let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  Indeed, in deed.  The words inspire the notion that the words are not as important as the action.  Interesting; almost “poetic” even. This is the fourth installment exploring the virtue...

The Confidence Factor, Part 3

After some of our posts to date on Confidence, I dare to suggest 4 simple actions that can ignite and manifest access to the virtue; that strength of character.  In some of the sessions and work that I and we do, they are referenced as B.O.D.Y. Management™. BEAM...

The Confidence Factor, Part 2

Do not, therefore, throw away your confidence for it carries a great reward.  — Hebrews 10:35 This post is dedicated to those still facing the fires in Fort McMurray and anyone facing their own fires in life.  Continuing from our conversation on both the skill...