Forward Together, Ever Stronger

Forward Together, Ever Stronger

Consider this from RBC on 9 COVID trends that will last. I also invite you to consider the global goals. With either or both in mind, I finally ask that you consider these words from Simon Sinek and Rich Diviney on the importance of character in times of change and...
Certitude and Service: Do Your Homework

Certitude and Service: Do Your Homework

Over the last week or so, I have posted on Leadership and Management … Consultation … and Resourcefulness. And this morning I shared some thoughts on Certitude. Certitude is a virtue; a strength of character. With it, we discern and decide on that for...

The Wall and the Eye

Transparency alert. I am a Baha’i. That is my core. I am working on it. And in these days, I can do and be nothing less. There are no easy answers; only great questions and ponderings. In BE, at Home, last week, I shared that “I am seeing this (personal...