In A Global Stroke, I offered up this model for critical thinking and creative problem solving. I humbly suggest the post and the video link are worthy of Consideration. There are plenty of models out there, all good. What I find useful here for me is the acronym, the...

Drive Time

2020 has been interesting thus far, but the Year itself brought nothing; we did. 2020 is an arbitrary construct, a measurement of time. Is it 2020… or 5780 in the Jewish calendar, 2563 in the Buddhist, 2076 in the Hindu, 1441 in the Islamic or 177 in the...

A “PD” Day?

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggested there were 5 stages of grief. We are experiencing them now. Some we might go through quickly, others less so. It is a personal experience. I think I am in the Bargaining piece now, figuring my way through. Last week, I shared on The...

Apathy, Fear and Responsibility

Last week, in Climbing the Wall, I suggested that “The watchmen are not our enemies. Our challenges are not our foes. They are moving us, to our best life and love, if we but listen, and trust. I need to keep listening, and to climb that wall.” This week,...