Down to Business and Strategy

Down to Business and Strategy

My College year has begun, and preparations are afoot for classes to start after Labor Day. Teaching Small Business Development, Strategic Management, Business Research and Public Relations, I am getting down to business… and looking forward to the Term ahead....
5 to Thrive

5 to Thrive

In I Choose, I shared … “I am reminded. Fewer projects. More love for the ones I keep. Success not defined by anything other than simple, joyful purpose. Impact. Impact with one person. Or thousands. It matters not. Impact matters. The Endgame, my endgame...

BE, at Home

In Our Own Script, I noted that “I am starting my own journey of self isolation and homeworking…”. And, it has been quite the week. Teaching college from home. Running Epic Engage from home, working with clients from a distance at home, working out...

The End of Change?

Of course not; but this is the end (for now) for our dive in on it. In Snow Small Change, you can find links to all previous posts. We encourage that read and dig in. There is some good stuff in there. Now, to close it out, for now. Jenny says… Please read my...

Snow Small Change

Last week, we shared on Change Makes Change. Before that, The broadCAST, and two weeks ago; Make Change. The theme this month? Clearly, on change. Wow, there has been alot of change around here the past week, with almost 120 centimeters of snow, including a 93 cm drop...