Our Own Best Friend

Our Own Best Friend

Sometimes, something comes along to give you the healthiest, best and most needed “kick in the arse”. That kick is another form of Compassion, I suggest. Easing ourselves or others from distress can be in the form of a loving and well intended and...
Curiosity and Excellence

Curiosity and Excellence

Curiosity and Excellence support one another, not unlike two wings. Last week, in Endurance Today, I shared “What are your dailies that will allow you to breathe and practice Patience? What are the simply joys that will cause you to be present? What sources...
Fixity of Purpose

Fixity of Purpose

Just yesterday, I offered up on A Meaningful New Year. I humbly suggest the read and reflect. Today, I simply focus on Resolve… as virtue; a “fixity of purpose”. Resolutions have gotten a bad wrap. Most resolutions are not actually born of Resolve....
Habit Seeding

Habit Seeding

First, I invite you to check out this post on healthy aging as I think it applies to any age, and it applies to what I share here today. Among other things, it speaks to the importance of Purpose… and Care… and more. With that in Mind and Heart… I am...
Fixity of Purpose

Day One, Again

Yesterday was 90 weeks into this “great realization” for me, and I posted a long thought on Facebook. THE POST Long Post. Maybe longest ever. Choose accordingly. “There was once a lover who had sighed for long years in separation from his beloved,...