What Moves You?

What Moves You?

In 3 Months of Focus, I noted “I have had several mentors who suggest that our planning and execution must needs be focused over 90 days; 3 months. We cannot truly foresee beyond. This does not deny having a longer vision but it speaks to that over which we have...
Utter Resilience and Optimism

Utter Resilience and Optimism

I humbly invite you to listen in on this conversation with Guy Matthews. In Facing Forward, I suggested that I would be taking a huge dive into meditation for the balance of October, and I am. And, in Good Ol’ Stubborn Optimism, I shared that “The next...
Positivity vs Optimism?

Positivity vs Optimism?

In Noble Leaders Arise, just yesterday, I offered up on Nobility as strength of character… and I do humbly suggest the read and reflect. That said, I awoke this morning to a powerful, personal remembrance found in these words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá:… shared in...

Dare, Decide and Detach

Last week, in Grateful and More, I shared ” Taking time to be grateful and content does not negate the need for work and the march forward. But being grateful and content can help us sustain our walk. Optimism sees “the stuff” ahead and knows we will get there....