by Barry Green | Sep 20, 2021 | Blog, character, unity
In Building Confidence, I concluded with “My thought to you, and me, this week is to take some sacred time and do a detailed inventory of the challenges you have faced and the successes you have seen. Take stock of your trails, trials and triumphs. Be...
by Barry Green | Jun 30, 2021 | Blog, character, Excellence
Yesterday, I posted on Opportunities and the Character of Business. I recommend the read if you are pondering the future of your work, career and/or business. I truly, humbly and assertively do. I might even (nay, do) recommend also Better Boundaries. That said, in...
by Barry Green | Jun 14, 2021 | Blog, character
Some months back and on LinkedIn, I shared this on finding your best Service… your intersection of talent and need. I humbly recommend the read and reflect. I followed that up with 4 questions on finding purpose…. and Two Shoes and a Purpose. For me,...
by Barry Green | Mar 24, 2020 | Blog
In Our Own Script, I noted that “I am starting my own journey of self isolation and homeworking…”. And, it has been quite the week. Teaching college from home. Running Epic Engage from home, working with clients from a distance at home, working out...
by Barry Green | Jan 22, 2020 | Blog
Last week, we shared on Change Makes Change. Before that, The broadCAST, and two weeks ago; Make Change. The theme this month? Clearly, on change. Wow, there has been alot of change around here the past week, with almost 120 centimeters of snow, including a 93 cm drop...