Sharpen the Blades

Sharpen the Blades

Waaay back in June of 2023, I last posted a blog here on my website. It was on The Fruits of Focus. In it, I noted “We live in a world that wants to pull us in many directions with all the demands, distractions and even doubts that come with them. So, I am...
The Fruits of Focus

The Fruits of Focus

In A Stoic Summer, I noted that “I am choosing to commence a Stoic Summer, reading some 10 books for my own Studentry.” And, I am getting there. I have posted much this past month around KNOWledge… and I am digging into Stoicism now and...
A Stoic Summer

A Stoic Summer

The Watchers have been at work it seems. These past few days have been “interesting”. These past few days have been Soul shaking. Truth. Two good and dear Souls and friends passing onwards… examples of Love and Service, both. Funerals to Honor both....
The Watcher Strength

The Watcher Strength

I have been posting on exploring KNOWledge and Strength this past Week or so, and intend to do so over the rest of June. First, I invite you to check out that link. Second, I intend to dive deeper into it myself. Matters of Health and Service are driving me there not...
The Red Wolf

The Red Wolf

In Stand and Walk Tall, I noted “These times forward demand of me and you… an anchor, ballast, rudder and sail to navigate and move forward.” These are epic times of change and challenge indeed. That in mind and heart, this post will be short and...
Stand and Walk Tall

Stand and Walk Tall

In Can. Will. Did. I noted “I do not believe in nor hold to toxic positivity. I believe in and hold to Optimism. There is a difference, markedly so. The former bores me anyway. For me, it is escapism. The latter, that practice of Optimism… knows that I am...