by Barry Green | Aug 23, 2021 | Blog, character, Health
Way back in May, my head and heart were swirling around giving things a rest. In that post were some links and thoughts that I was finding useful and necessary. If rest and reset is important to you… you might want to check it out. Since then, I have been on...
by Barry Green | Jul 26, 2021 | Blog, character, Purpose
I have long believed and contended, by experience, education and observation, that we know more about what drives us than we think. Far too often, and if we are fortunate enough to keep seeking purpose, we discover that it was right there under our nose, closer than...
by Barry Green | Jul 21, 2021 | Blog, character, Health
In My High Functioning Six, I shared on six strengths upon which we can exercise to face life on its terms. Today, and amidst unexpected developments around health, good and not… I am reminded of self care and how we almost superficially acknowledge its...
by Barry Green | Aug 10, 2020 | Blog
In I Choose, I shared … “I am reminded. Fewer projects. More love for the ones I keep. Success not defined by anything other than simple, joyful purpose. Impact. Impact with one person. Or thousands. It matters not. Impact matters. The Endgame, my endgame...
by Barry Green | May 13, 2020 | Blog
OMG, it has been two weeks since my last post here… written on A Stronger Ship. Last week was filled with beginning Intersession and a new term at College. In that last post, I shared on 4 strengths for a better world. Empathy. Endurance. Enthusiasm. Excellence....