Yesterday, I wrote on Digital Coffees I am having with Raven Warren, on mental health. I recommend checking out some or all of our first 14 episodes noted in the blog. They are real and engaging. In the coming weeks, I will be sharing on other Digital Coffees I am...
Dialogue on Mental Health

Dialogue on Mental Health

Of late, I have posted on Your Best CPU … as well as A Better Lens for Growth … Your Cooperative System … and Finding Purpose with Some C4. All, in some way, shape or form, have to do with finding and advancing our own best sense of Purpose...
Justice for Just Us?

Justice for Just Us?

In Positivity versus Optimism? I offered “So, let us not jump on the toxicity train of positivity. Let us engage the opportunity of Optimism… that powerful capacity to truly see the world and to have deeds, not words, be our adorning. The world needs that. Our...
Justice for Just Us?

Serve and Return

First, I invite you to watch 7- year- old Molly Wright share at TED. Conversation matters. The serve and return matters. Dialogue; it matters. Playing catch with one another… matters. Connection… matters. Molly Wright’s message … matters…...
Justice for Just Us?

Dialogue, in Deed

Dialogue matters. It is defined as an exchange of ideas and opinions. An exchange implies that things are both sent and received. Dialogue implies that we speak and listen; authentically so. Today, we released the next issue of The broadCAST for June. It is filled...