by Barry Green | Apr 7, 2022 | Blog, character, Service
As I teach Strategic Management, I offer up to my business management students that strategies are ultimately … aligned goal-oriented plans and actions. Strategy is about Purpose. Digital Coffees has Purpose. Let me share. Digital Coffees are regular online...
by Barry Green | Feb 9, 2022 | Blog, character, Environment
Dawn Gough (Environmental Consultant with EnTec Environmental Consulting) and I are having cool convos on environmental Responsibility. Dawn is the owner and lead consultant of EnTec, and holds a Graduate Degree in Technology Management, a Bachelor of Technology...
by Barry Green | Aug 9, 2021 | Blog, character, Environment
In Your LIFE/work Explored, I shared thoughts and links around exploring and advancing purpose, and more. I noted that “Consider your own signposts to date. Inventory them. Try your hand at that GRATEfitti exercise noted above (you only need block letters and...
by Barry Green | Jun 29, 2021 | Blog, character, Service
Call me old fashioned (I am not) but I believe and contend that business. as a concept, is noble. It is about making a living answering a need and solving a problem or meeting a challenge. At its best, it is about Service. I suggest that the “quick buck”...
by Barry Green | Jun 19, 2021 | Blog, character
Dialogue matters. It is defined as an exchange of ideas and opinions. An exchange implies that things are both sent and received. Dialogue implies that we speak and listen; authentically so. Today, we released the next issue of The broadCAST for June. It is filled...