April Digital Coffees

April Digital Coffees

As I teach Strategic Management, I offer up to my business management students that strategies are ultimately … aligned goal-oriented plans and actions. Strategy is about Purpose. Digital Coffees has Purpose. Let me share. Digital Coffees are regular online...
An Environmental Dawn

An Environmental Dawn

Dawn Gough (Environmental Consultant with EnTec Environmental Consulting) and I are having cool convos on environmental Responsibility. Dawn is the owner and lead consultant of EnTec, and holds a Graduate Degree in Technology Management, a Bachelor of Technology...
Environmental Dawn

Environmental Dawn

In Your LIFE/work Explored, I shared thoughts and links around exploring and advancing purpose, and more. I noted that “Consider your own signposts to date. Inventory them. Try your hand at that GRATEfitti exercise noted above (you only need block letters and...
Dialogue, in Deed

Dialogue, in Deed

Dialogue matters. It is defined as an exchange of ideas and opinions. An exchange implies that things are both sent and received. Dialogue implies that we speak and listen; authentically so. Today, we released the next issue of The broadCAST for June. It is filled...