22022022 and the Gameboard

22022022 and the Gameboard

Of late, I have been writing and posting on purpose and more in blogs on focus and life long learning and studentry and LIFE/work exploration. I have also been sharing on dialogues being had with Elaine Dunphy on health and movement… with Guy Matthews on life...
22022022 and the Gameboard

Your Cooperative System

In Finding Purpose with Some C4, I offered up thoughts and links around mission, vision, purpose, why, what, how, and just cause. If you are pondering on same for yourself or your organization, the read just might have value. That said, the writing of such had value...

Grateful and More

Today, is Canada Day, and earlier I wished everyone Contentment on this day. From our home (Panda and me) to yours, may you find such Contentment. My thought is that we get to celebrate the ongoing progress of this idea called Canada. No nation is static, nor should...

Snow Small Change

Last week, we shared on Change Makes Change. Before that, The broadCAST, and two weeks ago; Make Change. The theme this month? Clearly, on change. Wow, there has been alot of change around here the past week, with almost 120 centimeters of snow, including a 93 cm drop...