by Barry Green | Jan 2, 2017 | Blog, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, Global, Job Hunting, The broadCAST™, Virtues
The broadCAST™ is a monthly weigh in by members of The CAST™ of Epic Engage™. Independent experts in their own right, members of The CAST™ are asked to answer a question of simple but possibly profound nature. We wholeheartedly encourage you to connect with these...
by Barry Green | Dec 15, 2016 | Blog, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, Global, gratitude, Job Hunting, Service, The broadCAST™, Virtues
Achieving a truly desired goal is a gift to ourselves. With that in mind and heart, last week we explored Dignity and Focus. Then, earlier this week, we explored getting GREAT Things done. Finally, tonight… we ran a video that expanded on setting GREAT Goals,...
by Barry Green | Feb 10, 2016 | Job Hunting
As a business college educator, human resource guy, employer and Master Facilitator with The Virtues Project™, I find this to be a great and timely post for job hunters and career seekers. I invite you to engage and enjoy the read. That being said, it speaks to me...