An Environmental Dawn

An Environmental Dawn

Dawn Gough (Environmental Consultant with EnTec Environmental Consulting) and I are having cool convos on environmental Responsibility. Dawn is the owner and lead consultant of EnTec, and holds a Graduate Degree in Technology Management, a Bachelor of Technology...
Environmental Dawn

Environmental Dawn

In Your LIFE/work Explored, I shared thoughts and links around exploring and advancing purpose, and more. I noted that “Consider your own signposts to date. Inventory them. Try your hand at that GRATEfitti exercise noted above (you only need block letters and...
Clean, Fierce and Focused

Clean, Fierce and Focused

Over the last week or so, I have posted on Leadership and Management … Consultation … Resourcefulness… and Certitude. I am no motivational nor public speaker. I am a student of Character Leadership and Unity Building. It is what I study,...

Dominion and Daring

In Dare to Care, last week, I shared “As I head into this upcoming weekend, I am leaning towards taking my work and business … and somewhat spinning it all on its head. I am teaching online these days as I walk through my now 82 days of isolation. I am exploring...

BE, at Home

In Our Own Script, I noted that “I am starting my own journey of self isolation and homeworking…”. And, it has been quite the week. Teaching college from home. Running Epic Engage from home, working with clients from a distance at home, working out...