In Ready to Ride and Ride with Curiosity, I have been ruminating on readiness and the ride. I continue. Last night, I had no less than 7 dreams (7, that I remembered!), ignited by meditations of late… and around which I need to further meditate. Already, a...
Diving into Balance

Diving into Balance

Way back in May, my head and heart were swirling around giving things a rest. In that post were some links and thoughts that I was finding useful and necessary. If rest and reset is important to you… you might want to check it out. Since then, I have been on...
5 to Thrive

5 to Thrive

In I Choose, I shared … “I am reminded. Fewer projects. More love for the ones I keep. Success not defined by anything other than simple, joyful purpose. Impact. Impact with one person. Or thousands. It matters not. Impact matters. The Endgame, my endgame...

Dominion and Daring

In Dare to Care, last week, I shared “As I head into this upcoming weekend, I am leaning towards taking my work and business … and somewhat spinning it all on its head. I am teaching online these days as I walk through my now 82 days of isolation. I am exploring...

R4/D2… 6 Pillars for Living

In Step Back and Forward, I wrote… ” For me, it is time to take something of a spiritual step back, on the eve of 70 days of taking a physical step back under self isolation. For me, it is time to step back, to step forward. It is time.” In and...