April Digital Coffees

April Digital Coffees

As I teach Strategic Management, I offer up to my business management students that strategies are ultimately … aligned goal-oriented plans and actions. Strategy is about Purpose. Digital Coffees has Purpose. Let me share. Digital Coffees are regular online...
Joy, Zeal and BOXsa

Joy, Zeal and BOXsa

Yesterday, Elaine Dunphy and I did a session for the Positive Thinkers Club that was born of a dance Initiative we are working on. That said, the session yesterday was short, fun and engaging. We loved doing it. That aforementioned Initiative was semi-launched in...
The Little Big Bucket

The Little Big Bucket

The other day in Practice Dominion, I shared “Dominion is taking full on ownership of our lives.” This morning, I shared on 90 Days Ahead: United. There, I shared, among other things… “Given my recent reflection on my 9-year vision, I...
Let It Find You

Let It Find You

In MESH Better, I shared “Now it is time for execution. With that in mind, years ago, I crafted an acronym called MESH. When things MESH, our mission meets execution producing genuine success and happiness… not born of...
A Grateful Practice

A Grateful Practice

In A Colossal Investment, I shared on meditation, into which I am returning for a deeper dive these days and going forward. As this Thanksgiving Weekend arrives, my intention is to meditate on Gratitude. The Virtues Reflection Card identifies its practice as being...