Fixity of Purpose

Fixity of Purpose

Just yesterday, I offered up on A Meaningful New Year. I humbly suggest the read and reflect. Today, I simply focus on Resolve… as virtue; a “fixity of purpose”. Resolutions have gotten a bad wrap. Most resolutions are not actually born of Resolve....
Burn the Ships

Burn the Ships

In Dare to Decide, I noted “In the end, and the beginning, reflect and consider on your answers to these three questions and develop three wise lists. What is it time to let go of?What is it time to keep?And what is it time to begin?” I have...
Dare to Decide

Dare to Decide

What am I waiting for? Nothing, now. That said, I have sometimes been prone to waiting on people and things when I sometimes would be wiser in not doing so. That is not a criticism of others but an awareness of alignment, or lack thereof, in a given circumstance or...

My Fortress

In Dominion and Daring, I said, “These next few days will be that. This next week or so, and amidst the concluding of the College year… will see that deep dive. Dabbling does not do it. There are several questions I am ever more intent on honestly and...

R4/D2… 6 Pillars for Living

In Step Back and Forward, I wrote… ” For me, it is time to take something of a spiritual step back, on the eve of 70 days of taking a physical step back under self isolation. For me, it is time to step back, to step forward. It is time.” In and...