World Embracing

World Embracing

The world needs us. Locally, globally and glocally. As I enter into Ayyam-i-Ha and then The Fast, something is heating up in my Soul. For me, and millions of others around the world, this is a time of hospitality then leading into fasting. And, over three decades, I...
A Meaningful New Year

A Meaningful New Year

Rather than simply wishing a Happy New Year, I am considering the notion of wishing one of meaning. Just yesterday, I posted on exploring the juncture of past, present and future; and I humbly recommend the read and reflect. But, here now, I want to look at what I...
Day One, Again

Day One, Again

Yesterday was 90 weeks into this “great realization” for me, and I posted a long thought on Facebook. THE POST Long Post. Maybe longest ever. Choose accordingly. “There was once a lover who had sighed for long years in separation from his beloved,...
Ready to Launch?

Ready to Launch?

On this Hallowe’en, I have made a decision to retreat in order to advance. It has been born of my recent and ongoing foray into more deliberate meditation (the resulting clarity is palpable and viscous) and my recent reading of both The War of Art and The Art of...
#hUmaNITY Rocks

#hUmaNITY Rocks

In Be Wilder, I noted “It is not lost on me that bewilder is to be wilder in our exploration…”. Of late, I am taking an ever deeper dive into meditation, wildly exploring. It is conjuring up soulful notions of boundaries and identity and more. And...